Deep-Data Harvester: Empowering Data Control and Monetization


The Deep-Data Harvester is a powerful platform designed to restore fairness and privacy in the data economy. It puts control back into the hands of consumers and small businesses, allowing them to manage their data effectively. With Deep-Data Harvester, users can regulate data access, set consent terms, and safeguard both browsing and local data.

Key Features

  1. Data Access Control:

    • Users can determine who has access to their data.
    • Specify access duration and usage terms.
    • Manage browsing history and local files seamlessly.
  2. Local Data Protection:

    • Secure files downloaded, music stored, and cloud data.
    • Understand data footprints and implement protection measures.
  3. Monetization Opportunities:

    • Once users own their data, they can monetize it.
    • AI agents generate personalized data insights (DataBrews) from forgotten data.
    • DataBrews can be tailored for various purposes:
      • Create personalized movies (e.g., silly face selfies with your cat).
      • Compile videos for family reunions.
      • Retrieve medical history for specific needs.
      • Check inventory levels (e.g., beer supply).
      • Identify expired items.
  4. DataSense Marketplace:

    • Users can sell their DataBrews on the marketplace.
    • Monetize data by offering premium products.
    • Gain preferred treatment from internet companies.


  • Empowerment: Users regain control over their data.
  • Monetization: Turn data into a valuable asset.
  • Insights: AI-generated DataBrews provide personalized insights.